Science Discussions
Science Made Simple: Dive into clear, accessible discussions on complex topics. Our goal is to make scientific knowledge easy to understand and relevant to everyone.
Weather forecasts are only skillful up to about a week but climate models can provide valuable information much farther into the future. How is this possible? Think about planning a camping trip and growing a garden.
The greenhouse effect occurs naturally, but human actions are to blame for current global warming. How is this possible? Think about living in a house.
Stratospheric temperatures have been cooling over the past few decades and even reached a record low in 2016. Clearly there is no global warming, right?
The atmosphere is so big. How could human actions really have an impact? Have you ever burned a piece of toast in your kitchen? Maybe our atmosphere isn't so big after all...
If we suddenly stopped emitting carbon, global temperatures would continue to increase. How is this possible? Think about heating a loaf of bread.
Atmospheric water vapor is increasing, resulting in higher global temperatures, and human actions are to blame. How is this possible? Imagine that you are sitting in a boat in the ocean.
Sea ice grows in the Arctic each winter, but Arctic sea ice extent has been declining in recent decades. How is that possible? Think about walking your puppy down a hill.
We know that temperature rises with CO2 levels normally, but what explains the huge jump in the last two centuries? Here's a hint: us.