
The Climate Consensus Network brings together representatives from university geoscience departments, professionals across various sectors, and dedicated committee representatives. Together, they recruit Climate Champions, oversee outreach activities, and assist with fundraising and grant writing. These representatives serve as vital liaisons to the larger network, fostering collaboration and ensuring that diverse voices are heard in the fight against climate change.

Columbia University

New York, NY

Gisela Winckler, PhD
Faculty Representative
Research Professor
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

George Mason University

Fairfax, VA

Austin Reed
Graduate Student Representative
PhD Student
Atmospheric, Oceanic & Earth Sciences Department

Barry Klinger, PhD
Faculty Representative

Associate Professor
Atmospheric, Oceanic & Earth Sciences Department

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Cambridge, Ma

Adam Schlosser, PhD
Faculty Representative

Deputy Director for Science Research
Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change


Vermont State University

Lyndonville, VT

Patrick George
Undergraduate Student Representative

B.S. Student
Atmospheric Sciences Department

Andrew Westgate, PhD
Faculty Representative

Assistant Professor
Atmospheric Science Department

Ohio State University

Columbus, OH

Emily Mazan
Graduate Student Representative

PhD Student
Department of Geography

Bryan Mark, PhD
Faculty Representative
Professor and State Climatologist of Ohio
Department of Geography

University of Southern Mississippi

Hattiesburg, MS

Diana Bernstein, PhD
Faculty Representative
Assistant Professor
School of Ocean Science and Engineering


Tri-Chandra Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University

Kathmandu, Nepal

Ganesh Rawat
Student Representative

Department of Hydrology and Meteorology

Narayan Prasad Gautam, PhD
Faculty Representative
Department of Meteorology

Events & Outreach Committee

Gerard Falco
Executive Committee Representative

Emily Mazan
Committee Representative
PhD Student
Ohio State University. Department of Geography

Allison LaFleur, PhD
Executive Committee Representative
Environmental Consultant
RoVolus, LLC


Digital Engagement Committee

Austin Reed
Executive Committee Representative

PhD Student
George Mason University
Atmospheric, Oceanic & Earth Sciences Department

Andrew Westgate, PhD
Executive Committee Representative

Assistant Professor
Vermont State University
Atmospheric Science Department

Lillie Farrell
Committee Representative
Maine Department of Environmental Protection

Fundraising Committee

Gabrielle Brown
Executive Committee Representative

M.S. Student
University of Oklahoma
School of Meteorology

Douglas Nedza, PhD
Committee Representative
Postdoctoral Scientist
George Mason University
Atmospheric, Oceanic & Earth Sciences Department